Judge Lorton • Sheriff Manns • Public Defender Scott Schultz
"Have at least three good reasons for everything you do." - Judge Lorton

Judge Lorton is the daughter of two teachers and never thought she'd be in the seat she's in now. Her story is encouraging to students to know that even if there is no one in your family has done something before - you are capable.
She said she wakes up everyday grateful and that this role has brought her a level of humility that has been life changing.
One of her favorite parts of the job is seeing the joy that comes from adoptions.
She previously helped run a law office and understands the life of an entrepreneur and shared with students the importance of finding a balance of work and personal life.

Scott Schultz also has entrepreneurial experience from when he owned his own law office. He talked about the satisfaction of building something from nothing.
He stressed to students to not chase the buck and to instead chase their passions. He shared a story of a fellow lawyer who had a Ferrari and for a moment he compared himself to him but later realized - "moments of fulfillment are worth more than a Ferrari".
He also shared a piece of advice from former Judge Thomas Russell. "Don't let your job define you". Judge Russell served Jersey county from 1990 - 2007. In 2011, he tragically was killed in a plane crash in Guatemala.

Last, but not least, Sheriff Nick Manns. When we tell you this man has fascinating stories, we mean it. Nick's career path has been an incredible journey. He went to college thinking he wanted to be a lawyer and after finishing undergrad he signed on with the US Marshals. He then worked for the FBI in some of the most dangerous locations: East St. Louis, Oklahoma City, and a Navajo Indian Reservation.
"Persistance separates you from your peers". He said in the FBI he was not the smartest guy in any room, but he could outwork them - he credited his Jersey County raising for his work ethic and grit.

We learned so much today and were given so many impactful words of wisdom. Thank you for speaking with us today!